
Unsupervised is only possible with your support. Your gift directly supports our performances, funding everything from venue rental to music licensing to musician fees. All of our musicians joined because of a belief in our mission, but playing with Unsupervised often means turning down other gigs. Just $300 can sponsor a musician for a concert. Make a tax-deductible charitable donation today.

Unsupervised is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purpose of Unsupervised must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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Support our Indiegogo campaign!

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Make a tax-deductible donation!

Our donors.

Monroe – $2000+


Jackson – $1000-$1999


Roosevelt (Section Leader Sponsor) – $500-$999

Janet Wolfe

Kedzie (Musician Sponsor) – $300-$499

John Bierbusse

Jeff and Julie Meyers

Susan Ripley

Pulaski – $200-$299


Cliff Colnot

Marian Klaus

California – $100-$199

Andy and Marci Aerenson

Steven Amundson

Elizabeth Johnson

Lisa and Reggie Kelch

Cindy and Craig Masmar

Donna Masmar

Bryn Mawr – $50-$99

Connor Callahan

Colleen Conti

Kelly Johnson

Jessica Wolfe

Kimball – $1+

Chris Partridge

Nora Rojas